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What We Do

Pregnancy Loss Services

The pregnancy loss services at CUMH provide supportive care from a range of disciplines within the hospital e.g. bereavement and loss midwife specialists, chaplains, social workers and administrative staff.

The services also provide written information and contact details to women, partners and families in relation to pregnancy loss as well as providing contact details of support services available within the hospital setting and externally.


The pregnancy loss services include the Emergency Room, Early Pregnancy Unit (located at the Kinsale Road Clinic), Ward 2 South and the Pregnancy Loss Clinic.

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Pregnancy Loss Clinic

A referral to the Pregnancy Loss Clinic at CUMH can be arranged by your GP or via the hospital. The aim of the clinic is to investigate the medical causes of recurrent pregnancy loss and to provide information and support to parents.


Referral is made on the basis of:

  • Recurrent miscarriage

  • Second trimester miscarriage

  • Stillbirth or neonatal death.​


Blood Test

This clinic is run by consultants and specialist midwives and is held on Ward 2 South at CUMH.


You may meet one or more of the following health professionals during your visit:


At the clinic, a medical history is taken and the nature of your pregnancy loss is explored. The results of investigations and blood tests performed by your GP, the Early Pregnancy Unit or Ward 2 South prior to your clinic visit will be discussed along with the plan of care for a future pregnancy. Follow up visits and referrals to other specialist services locally and nationally (e.g. fertility and gynaecology services), are made if required.


The blood tests performed at the Pregnancy Loss Clinic are as follows:


  • Thyroid Function Tests

  • Antibody screen

  • Full blood count

  • Thrombophilia screen

  • HbA1c (if BMI >30, family history, history of gestational diabetes, high risk ethnicity, PCOS)

  • Parental chromosome analysis (only after three consecutive miscarriages, unless the woman is aged under 35 years and has no living children – then it will be done on the second miscarriage).


As mentioned above, ideally these bloods should be performed by your GP before attending the Pregnancy Loss Clinic. 


Following your visit to the Pregnancy Loss Clinic other tests may be recommended depending on your history. Such tests may include an ultrasound scan which may be done to assess any anatomical issues in the womb. A hysterosalpingogram, saline installation solography, an MRI scan or a hysteroscopy can also be used to investigate any structural issues in the womb or fallopian tubes.


Some internet sources may suggest performing other tests following a miscarriage. They are not performed as part of the CUMH pregnancy loss investigations as there is no scientific/medical evidence to support these investigations in pregnancy loss at the present time. Some of these tests are related to fertility testing.


Examples of these tests include AMH, Natural Killer Cells, Chicago Bloods. Your GP or a fertility clinic can offer more information regarding fertility testing and treatment. Such tests are not provided in our CUMH Pregnancy Loss Service.

Pregnancy Loss Clinic/Ward 2 South

The Pregnancy Loss Clinic is located on Ward 2 South. Ward 2 South is located on the second floor in CUMH. As you enter the maternity hospital through the main front door go straight through the double brown doors in front of you and you will get to a set of stairs and a lift. Go to the second floor and follow directions for Ward 2 South. The Pregnancy Loss Clinic is the first room on your left as you enter the ward.

Pregnancy Loss Remembrance Service


All maternity units/hospitals and support organisations in Ireland hold remembrance services each year for pregnancy and infant loss. Cork University Maternity Hospital holds a remembrance service every October to coincide with Baby Loss Awareness Week. This is a multi-denominational service, open to anyone who has experienced or been affected by pregnancy or infant loss. For many people, this service is an opportunity to acknowledge the loss of their pregnancy, and to remember, in a supported space with others who have experienced a similar loss. Many of the staff at CUMH attend this service and offer support on the night for those who may wish to attend.


Pregnancy Loss Research Group


Cork University Maternity Hospital

Wilton, Cork, Ireland

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