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Why Miscarriage Happens

Miscarriages happen due to various factors, with some cases having identifiable causes, and others remaining uncertain. â€‹Understanding the knowable underlying causes and risk factors associated with miscarriage can help people gain insight into their own situation.

Genetic causes

  • Chromosomal anomalies in the fetus, such as the number of chromosomes, such as trisomies (three copies of a chromosome), or changes in the structure of a chromosome, such as a translocation.


  • Inherited genetic disorders that affect fetal development.

Hormonal causes

  • Imbalances in hormone levels, such as low progesterone.


  • Thyroid disorders affecting hormone regulations.

Specific medical conditions

  • Autoimmune disorders, such as antiphospholipid syndrome.


  • Uncontrolled diabetes.

Anatomical problems

  • Uterine anomalies, including septate uterus or fibroids.


  • Cervical insufficiency, where the cervix (neck of the womb) weakens or opens prematurely.

Risk factors

  • Older maternal age (if you are over 35).


  • Behavioural risk factors, including smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or drug use.


  • Obesity or being significantly underweight.


Pregnancy Loss Research Group


Cork University Maternity Hospital

Wilton, Cork, Ireland

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